Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Little Christmas Gift!

Hey everyone!  

Sorry it's been a little while since I last updated but it's been a bit crazy around here.  The biggest thing that's happened is probably that my husband and I bought a house!!  It was a long hunt (nearly 7 months of hard looking) but we finally found one that we absolutely love!  So packing, moving and unpacking has been taking up a lot of my time.  The office isn't set up yet, so I haven't been able to properly work on projects or post them from the computer.  However, putting all that aside... Have you guys noticed how quickly Christmas has been sneaking up?  Here in Alberta, Canada it's been snowing for almost the whole month and it's definitely feeling a lot like Christmas!

So!  Since it's that time of year again, I thought it was only appropriate to throw in a little Christmas Special for everyone!! I'm having a 60% off sale on all packages listed on my website!  That's a HUGE amount of savings!!  So go over and take a look!  Custom scrapbooks make perfect gifts for yourself (finally want to get all those photos from your vacation to Mexico into an album and off your computer?) or for someone special (anniversary coming up? Why not make an album recording your past years together?)!  

And if you have something else in mind that you don't see listed on my site, just email me, and I'll get back to you right away!  

HAPPY SCRAPPING THIS HOLIDAY SEASON!!  =]  Will be back with more updates on layouts and projects soon!  

Dalreen xo