Sunday, October 13, 2013

Two Trips

Hello again!  I'm back with another layout and video to share today.

Didn't really have a plan for this layout before I sat down at my desk; it mostly just came together by itself as I started, and I really like how it turned out.

The sticker and flair badge are both from older American Crafts collections, and I especially love the plastic shapes!  I think the staples add a nice touch, and I love using staples, anyway.  Brads are from BasicGrey and Doodlebug, I believe.

Love that little sticker (also from AC), and added pop dots to it for some dimension.  Both alphas are AC Thickers in the font Nutmeg, and they are one of my favs!

Here's the process video if you guys are interested:

Have a lovely night, and hope you all get to eat lots of turkey with family!  Unfortunately, Thanksgiving for me this year is a little on the small side.  My husband is up at work, and I wasn't able to fly home to see my parents, siblings and little nephew.  So, it's just my cats and myself for this long weekend with scrapbooking, movie-watching, tea-drinking and non-thanksgiving meals to keep me entertained.  But it's been wonderful so far, and I hope you all are enjoying yourselves, whether with loved ones or by yourself!

Happy scrapping, everyone!
Dalreen xo

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Two Birthdays!

Hello, wonderful folks!  I have a layout to share today, and it comes along with a process video!  Hooray!

Background paper, along with the other two papers are an older My Mind's Eye, from their Hip-Hooray "Boy" collection.  I'd been holding onto the banner paper, waiting for the perfect time to use it, and finally decided that I didn't want to just let it sit in my stash forever, but instead I wanted to actually use it!

Silver self-adhesive rhinestones from Abi's Craft, and blue arrow "document" embellishment from Evalicious.

I love that happy birthday self-adhesive badge, and got it from a friend when she was clearing out some of her scrapbooking supplies.  I'm not sure where it's originally from, but I have a bunch of them for different occasions, and think they are just so cute!

The "noted" square paper is also from Evalicious, and the "birthday" piece is actually a journaling card from an older Echo Park collection, which I just cut apart.

My favourite white letter thickers from Amy Tan in the font "Journal" just worked perfectly!  And I really like the look of the raised paper edges, which I've been seeing a lot of lately.

And here is the Start to Finish process video for this layout:

More videos can be found on my Youtube channel, and definitely like, comment and subscribe if you feel like sharing the love! =]

Hope you all are having a great start to your Thanksgiving weekend (if you're from Canada, like me!) and hope you guys enjoy the rest of it!!  I'm hoping to be back tomorrow with another layout and video, so check back on your down-time, in between eating turkey and pumpkin pie!  

Happy scrapping!
Dalreen xo