Sunday, August 11, 2013

Ice Cream & Broken Car Windows...

What a busy weekend it's been so far!  I have 2 layouts to share this afternoon (one very recent and one about a week old - both from my personal albums).  Any guesses as to what they might be about?  :]

Okay, so we didn't actually break any car windows THIS weekend (we actually just got a new car not to long ago!) as this happened last year, but I just got around to scrapping it a few weeks ago.  Side note: Yes, the car was very dirty, and yes, we used cardboard and duct tape to create a make-shift window.  Surprisingly, it actually worked for a month at the beginning of winter (we live in Canada, and at the peak of winter it can get to -40C) which was incredible and also a life-saver! 

Papers I used include some older Webster's Pages for the background, I believe (but I'm not 100% sure), some My Mind's Eye and 3Bugs in a Rug (the A-sides were very cat themed, but the B-sides provided some really great yellow and pinkish-red tone on tone designs).  I used silver Thickers for part of the title, and some smaller Glitz alphas in turquoise/red for the date and rest of the title.  Silver washi tape, a yellow button, Pink Paislee embellishments (the chipboard elements and cream photo tab), and some black doodling and outlining finished it off!  There's actually a video on how this layout came together here

I have been waiting and waiting for the perfect chance to use this awesome sunburst paper, and I FINALLY just went ahead and used it today (instead of staring at it and hoarding it for my stash just because it's so beautiful and cheerful).

Am I the only one that likes to scrapbook my ice cream addiction?  I sure hope not!  But other than just my love of ice cream, there is another side story to this photo which includes a solo celebration of my brother's birthday since he lives so far away.

The only two papers I used here were both from the Splash collection by Echo Park: the sunburst paper is called Sunshine, and the blue waves that I cut up into arrows is called Whales.  The white foam letter thickers are from Amy Tangerine in Journal, and the other one are American Crafts glitter chipboard in Sunrise.  Oh, how I love my glitter!  To finish it off, I used some self adhesive rhinestones from Abi's Craft (back when she was having her 90% closing down sale, I collected a whole bunch of these in a variety of colours and LOVE them!) in Bright Yellow. 

This is probably one of my favourite layouts, even though it's really simple!  I hope you guys like it as much as I do, and find some inspiration in it.  
Happy Sunday Scrapping, everyone! :]

Love and hugs,
Dalreen xo

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