Saturday, August 10, 2013


So, the website has been up and running now for almost a month, and I couldn't be happier with it.  We also got our Facebook page set up, which has been great, and I thought that a blog section to the site might also be fun!  This way, aside from the service business, I now have a place to talk about all the scrappy goodness I get to enjoy, and post about layouts in more detail (other than what is already in the projects section), with more pictures, and even let you in on the videos that get posted to YouTube.  There may also be a few posts about the joys I get to endure in my everyday life. :]

This weekend is going to be great because I get to spend the majority of it in front of my craft desk creating memories!  And this weekend's projects include some daily "little moment" layouts, a few wedding layouts for a winter wedding album, and a lot of baby/child layouts for a baby book which my client will be giving as Christmas gifts!  I'm very excited about it all, and the reason I love scrapbooking!  Creating memories is one thing, but preserving them for life is something else, and that's wonderful!  I'll have some sneak peaks, hopefully by the end of the weekend.  :]

I hope you all have a wonderful mid-summer weekend - it's the perfect weather for camping and barbeques!  Enjoy it, and live life... so you can scrapbook it!  :]

Love and hugs,
Dalreen xo

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